RPRC’s proven approach for delivering Capabilities Integration to our sponsors in the most cost efficient and time saving way is called PATRIOT, in the spirit of our founding fathers. The PATRIOT process factors in technology integrations’ effects on your mission operations. We understand that our technology solutions are only good if they serve your mission. Capabilities Integration identifies mission needs and operational advancements, and matches these with technology leaders and world leading engineers and scientists to rapidly develop and deliver solutions that will benefit overall mission efficiency and competitive edge.
PATRIOT goes beyond basic Systems Integration to include examining its impact to all mission architectures, systems, networks, security, and procedures to ensure resilient interoperability and continued operations with the introduction of new technologies.
PATRIOTcapabilites integration allows RPRC to collaborate with customers to match the right technology with the right talent to support mission needs. By considering the aggregate mission effects of the new and legacy technology, we offer leaders the increased speed of decision needed to win.